
Accepted papers will be published in a conference volume of EDP Sciences: MATEC Web of Conferences.

All papers published in the conference proceedings will be made available in an Open Access format at the website of MATEC Web of Conferences  specializing in Materials science, Engineering & Chemistry. All published papers will be indexed Google Scholar, CAS, Compendex, Inspec, DOAJ, CPCI (Web of Science), Scopus and presented in a dedicated online issue. They will be peer reviewed.

At least one author of each article should attend the conference.

A maximum of two articles per author is accepted.

8 pages are allowed to invited talks and 6 pages to contributed oral and poster presentations. Manuscripts shorter than 4 printed pages are not acceptable.

Instructions for authors are available at

Word template to be downloaded:  170 x 250 mm paper size, one column format

The paper should be submitted before the end of June 2016 (.pdf only). Before making your PDF, please check PDF guidelines.

All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere

To submit your paper please go  into     MY SPACE > Submissions     and follow the wizard instructions.

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